Glaucoma is an ophthalmic disease that can cause vision loss and blindness due to damage to the optic nerve connected to the eyeball at the back of the eyeball. It can worsen as the eye pressure increases, but it is known that more than two-thirds of cases of “normal intraocular glaucoma” have been delayed due to lack of clinical symptoms or slow progression. This article is going to look into the various features of glaucoma. Statistics on glaucoma patients
glaucomaNeovascular Glaucoma: Glaucoma associated with metabolic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which is caused by a new blood vessel blocking the outlet of the anterior body fluid, and the typical symptoms include loss of vision and congestion and pain in the eyes. Pigmentation Glaucoma: Glaucoma caused by increased eye pressure while the iris, which makes up the color of the pupil, is pigmented and interferes with the flow of the anterior body fluid. Peeling Glaucoma: It is an open-angle glaucoma type in the anterior, and is known to have a large genetic effect. Glaucoma Glaucoma: Glaucoma caused by uveitis is known to have a significant impact on about 20% of patients with uveitis. Steroids, the drug used to treat uveitis, can rather cause uveitis. In addition, various diseases are related to secondary glaucoma, and direct injuries can also be the cause. Glaucoma symptomsOnce vision loss is caused by glaucoma, it is difficult to recover to the original state even with modern treatment, but it is essential to prevent the symptoms. Drug treatment: It aims to lower and manage eye pressure through eye drops, prevent damage to the optic nerve, and improve blood flow, and various kinds of drugs are used. It is a non-invasive and effective primary treatment. Laser treatment: Glaucoma is a simple front fluid retention that facilitates the flow of body fluid, so making it possible to discharge it smoothly helps manage eye pressure. Surgery: Fibromectomy, glaucoma implant surgery, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, etc. It can be used if it is not recovered by the above-mentioned drugs or laser treatment or if the expected effect is low in the first place.Open-angle glaucoma: In the United States, it accounts for about 90% of the total, which is the type that accounts for almost the majority of glaucoma. Even experts do not know the underlying cause, but it is estimated that there is an effect of pressure applied to the eye, and it is estimated to be related to the poor flow of the moist space behind the cornea called the anterior. The risk of occurrence increases if it corresponds to high blood pressure and diabetes. Normal eye pressure glaucoma: It belongs to the type of open-angle glaucoma. The incidence rate increases if you have a family history, or if you have heart-related diseases and hypotension. Closed-angle glaucoma: Glaucoma with clinical symptoms may be acute, and due to the anterior closed angle, various clinical symptoms such as pain, visual field abnormalities, congestion, and elevated intraocular pressure can appear. Care should be taken because it progresses very quickly enough to lead to blindness in a few days. Adenogenic glaucoma: An infant type of glaucoma that has a problem in that the fluid in the anterior segment of the body is not properly discharged. Second-acting glaucoma – Disease-related glaucomaAs of 2021, the number of patients treated for glaucoma reached 1.08 million. Due to the serious aging trend, the number of patients has increased by about 25% in about four years. Considering that men’s life expectancy is relatively short, it seems that it occurs at a similar rate to men’s. It is confirmed that the number of patients increases rapidly with age. Despite being young, we often see cases of glaucoma damage, but it does not account for a significant statistical proportion. Types and Causes of GlaucomaGlaucoma exists in various types. Primary glaucoma – type of glaucoma of unknown cause